Feeling brave? Visit these spooky towns in Washington, and see what you can find!
We can’t deny that Washington has many beautiful places, but our state also has an eerie past that not many people are willing to investigate. These are some of the most popular ghost towns and eerie locations in Washington State, and they’re perfect for a spooky fall road trip from Seattle with your friends!
Read on for our list of the top spooky towns in Washington State:
1. Melmont, WA
This town is located just south of Carbonado on Highway 165 on the outskirts of Mt. Rainier National Park, and it was originally founded in 1900 as a coal town. The main downtown had a hotel, a saloon, a butcher shop, a store, and hosted some houses for the workers who were employed by the Northwest Improvement Company. Melmont produced 4% of Pierce County’s coal production until the railroad switched from steam to diesel back in 1918. The town’s downfall was a fire that almost destroyed the entire city in the 1920s. Nowadays, you can still find building remains, abandoned and decaying vehicles, and destroyed foundations.
📍Where: 23689 Mowich Lake Rd, Carbonado, WA 98323
2. Monte Cristo, WA
This spot is very well known for its cool name and amazing artifacts left behind by the miners. Monte Cristo’s downfall was due to funding issues and minimal mining potential. Today you can find welcome signs, old buildings, rusty mining signs, and mining equipment. If you decide to visit, make sure you’re ready for a hike across a rickety bridge.
📍Where: Granite Falls, WA 98252
3. Bodie, WA
This town was founded as a mining place back in the 1880s and was named after the nearby Bodie Creek. The town boomed when gold was found in the area, and it operated until 1917. Nowadays, you can find several structures and very well preserved buildings where you can reenact your pioneering dreams. We wouldn’t try to stay there overnight, however, lest those dreams turn into nightmares.
📍Where: Okanogan County, Washington
4. Govan, WA
This town has a hub for ranchers and farmers in the area but lost its prominence when Highway 2 bypassed it. Today you can visit the creepy Govan schoolhouse that was built back in 1905. This town has an eerie past. According to an article on King5.com: “Judge J.A. Lewis and his wife were found dead in their home back in 1902, and in 1941 a woman was found murdered on her farm. Her son went missing at the same time, and his body was found in the fields eight years later.” These mysteries are still unsolved…
📍Where: Govan, Washington 99185
5. Northern State Hospital
Northern State Hospital is a 225-acre hospital that was home to more than 2,000 patients who were diagnosed with mental illness, and it employed more than 1,000 people. The asylum closed its doors back in 1973, but today you can still find many of the old buildings, a massive cemetery, and creepy rooms filled with hospital beds.
📍Where: North Cascades — North Cascades Highway – Hwy 20
6. Chesaw, WA

This place was named after a Chinese miner who settled in the area and opened a store where miners purchased their supplies. Chesaw boomed after gold was found in the area, but the boom didn’t last long. This place became a logging community with just a few residents. Nowadays visitors can find a small fraction of the buildings of the original town. This ghost town is home to 10 current residents as of 1970.
📍Where: Chesaw, WA 98844
7. Snoqualmie Tunnel
This abandoned train tunnel is 2.3 miles of complete and total darkness. You reach it after a quarter-mile walk from the Iron Horse Trailhead in Hyak, WA. Being in the cold, dark tunnel is a true test of bravery, especially if there aren’t any other hikers at that moment. Be sure to bring a reliable light source and an extra layer! Keep in mind that this tunnel is closed November 1st through May 1st and for good reason: sharp icicles can form on the tunnel’s roof in the winter months and pose a danger to those below. Now that’s scary!
📍Where: Hyak, WA