Astronomy enthusiasts and early risers of Seattle, take note! There will be a super strawberry moon visible from Seattle early in the morning on Tuesday, June 14. And by early in the morning, we mean early. You’ll have to set your alarm to 4:50 AM to catch the moon at its brightest.
If you love to experience rare astronomical events, it might be worth it (especially if you tend to get up fairly early anyway). These super moons only happen three or four times a year. According to NASA, super moons are 17% bigger and 30% brighter than the faintest moon of the year.
This super moon gets its name because of strawberry harvest season, not necessarily because of its hue. So it may not be red, but it will be incredibly large and bright. Although the best way to view it is with binoculars or a telescope, you should be able to clearly see the details of the super moon’s surface even with the naked eye.
Determined to sleep in tomorrow? Although the peak time to view the super strawberry moon in Seattle is 4:50 AM on Tuesday, the moon will appear full both the day before and after. So if you’re not a morning person, you can still enjoy this week’s luminous full moon. Of course, that is assuming the skies will be clear of clouds. Cross your fingers and keep your eyes out, Seattle!