Happy New Year’s Eve! Do you have your resolutions ready for 2023? Perhaps you yourself are already perfect, but you can think of some potential resolutions on behalf of our beloved Emerald City. That was certainly the case for our followers on Instagram and Facebook. We asked Seattleites for their ideas for Seattle New Year’s resolutions that the city should make for 2023. The answers ran the gamut from serious and thoughtful to silly and far-fetched, but we’re pretty sure most of them would make Seattle even better in the new year.
Here’s what Seattleites think Seattle’s New Year’s resolutions should be for 2023:
1. “Make some streets pedestrian-only.”
“Start with Pike Place Market,” one Seattleite said. Read all about the debate to make Pike Place Market car-free.
2. “Stop the Seattle Freeze.”
No, they’re not talking about Seattle’s Polar Bear Plunge (pictured above). “It’s okay to smile at someone when you walk past them on the sidewalk,” this Seattleite commented.
3. Work on solutions for those without housing
This is a complicated issue, but here are some Seattleite’s suggestions:
- “Turn complaining about our neighbors who are without housing into advocacy for solutions for them.”
- “Find more accessible options for the homeless population. Relocating them isn’t a solution — working with them to find a mutually beneficial outcome is!”
- “Study Vancouver and how they deal with the homeless.”
- “Study how London handles their homeless population.”
4. “Have the buses show up on time.”
5. “Revive downtown Seattle.”
Downtown Seattle is slowly bouncing back from the pandemic, with exciting developments such as the opening of a Uniqlo store in the old Macy’s building and free, family-friendly events being offered by the Downtown Seattle Association.
6. “Better parking.”
One can dream…
7. “Become cheaper!”
One Seattleite asked for “fair food prices” in particular. Here at Secret Seattle we’re happy to help with this resolution by putting together a guide of the best cheap eats in Seattle; check back soon for that!
8. “Better signage on construction zones.”
As this Seattleite explained: “Definitely drove right into one, the street wasn’t blocked at all!”
9. “No more tech bros.”
Way harsh, Tai.
10. “More chowder.”
We support this.
11. “Move the Devil’s Triangle…”
“…away from The Spheres,” one Seattleite suggested. It is pretty awkward having a strip club right next to one of Seattle’s most popular attraction, especially when your parents are visiting.
12. “More use of turn signals.”
This is a dark and rainy city, so it’s important to use your headlights and turn signals!
13. “Salt the roads when there is freezing weather.”
Remember that ice storm right before Christmas? In all fairness, however, the city of Seattle doesn’t use salt for environmental reasons.
14. “Finish the waterfront construction.”
We’re excited to see the new Seattle waterfront in 2023!
15. “Fix the potholes.”
16. “Change our reputation as the rainiest city.”
Well, it is technically inaccurate.
17. “Fix public transportation.”
“Extend light rail to Olympia,” one Seattleite requested.
18. “Have more affordable housing.”
“Cheaper rent,” another Seattleite chimed in.
19. “Better weather.”
This Seattleite specified that they want “more sun,” and we would like to formally second that request.
20. “Bring back the Sonics!”
We’ll never let this go.