Dating in Seattle?
You want to be informed but it can be hard to spot regional-specific red flags, especially if you’re new to the city. Who better to ask than the local singles? Back in April 2023, we asked our Instagram and Facebook followers to share what they consider to be red flags when dating in Seattle. We just posed the question again at the start of 2025 and added the most recent responses to the list below!
If you’re single in Seattle, try not to take the responses too personally. For every Seattleite who said that hiking all the time is a red flag, there was another local saying it’s a red flag to not like hiking. As the saying goes: there’s a lid for every pot!
Read on to see the varied, opinionated, and funny responses!
Here are the top red flags for dating in Seattle:
🚩 “Space Dust is [their] favorite beer.”
🚩 “Anyone who hates Seattle.”
🚩 “NOT being able to hold a conversation…the freeze really has many people in a CHOKEHOLD.”
🚩 “They are not in therapy. Or never had it. But their stories are very therapy worthy.”
🚩 “Doesn’t want a COFFEE date.”
🚩 “Seattle Freeze mentality.”
🚩 “They cancel plans cause it’s raining.”
🚩 “People who expect you to have all the same hobbies that they do. Sorry I don’t rock climb, ski, snow board, wake board, hike, AND brew my own beer 😤”
🚩 “Lists their location as ‘Seattle’ but actually lives outside Seattle and has to take a bridge, ferry, or more than 15 minutes of freeway to be in Seattle, proper.”
🚩 “You go out together to Capitol Hill and bump into more than 3 exes.”
🚩 “They think craft beer is a personality trait.”
🚩 “They brought an umbrella.”
via Giphy
🚩 “They park in the bike lane 🥴”
🚩 “They call it Pike’s Place.”
🚩 “They say Wershington.”
🚩 “If they don’t like dogs. They definitely don’t have to own a dog or be overly friendly to dogs, but to not like dogs out here is definitely strange.”
🚩 “Life revolves around their dog.”
🚩 “They can’t climb trees and forage mushrooms 🍄”
🚩 “They don’t plan around the weather and don’t wear layers.”
🚩 “When all they do is go hiking! It is not a personality, FYI!”
🚩 “For me a real red flag would be if they DON’T hike, or don’t like doing anything outdoorsy.”
🚩 “They say they’re super into hiking but all they’ve hiked is Rattlesnake Ledge.”
🚩 “They’re new here and just want someone to show them around.”
🚩 “Their idea of good coffee is Starbucks.”
🚩 “They don’t drink coffee.”
🚩 “They drink decaf or instant coffee.”
🚩 “They don’t eat Asian food.”
🚩 “They don’t run outside naked when the sun is out for a few seconds.”
🚩 “They take summer for granted.”
🚩 “They’d rather go to a chain restaurant and not somewhere local.”
🚩 “Tech bros.”
🚩 “They’re obsessed with horoscopes.”
🚩 “They’re passive-aggressive.”
🚩 “Drinking IPA’s and 420 friendly is their entire personality 🙄”
🚩 “They think In-N-Out is better than Dick’s.”
🚩 “They live in Bellevue.”
🚩 “They live in Tacoma.”
🚩 “100% of their clothing comes from Patagonia, REI, North face, and Filson.”
🚩 “They saw ewww to the gum wall.”
🚩 “They say they were on the Seattle season of Love Is Blind.”
Now that we got all of that out of our systems…
Good luck out there, Seattle! Join us to discuss green flags next!